The Role of Nutrition in Baby Sleep: What to Feed and When
What your baby eats—and when they eat—can have a big impact on their sleep. Let’s explore how nutrition supports healthy sleep for your baby.
1. Feeding and Sleep Go Hand-in-Hand
Hunger is one of the main reasons babies wake up during the night, especially in the early months. Ensuring that your baby is well-fed before sleep, with a full tummy, can reduce wake-ups. For younger babies, this often means a feeding right before bed.
2. Solids and Sleep
When your baby starts solids around 6 months, you might notice a change in their sleep. Foods rich in iron (like fortified cereals and pureed meats) are especially important, as iron supports healthy brain function and development, which ties into better sleep.
3. Avoid Sugar Before Bed
Once your baby is eating solids, it’s important to avoid sugary snacks before bedtime. Foods with a high sugar content can cause energy spikes that make it harder for your baby to settle down. Instead, offer whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
4. Timing is Everything
Try to avoid feeding your baby large meals too close to bedtime, as it can make them uncomfortable and interfere with their sleep. A well-timed dinner and a small snack closer to bedtime, like a bit of fruit or cereal, can help keep them full throughout the night.
5. Hydration Matters
Ensure your baby is properly hydrated, but avoid giving large amounts of water right before bed. Too much liquid can lead to more wake-ups for diaper changes.